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2009-апр-27 44/63 Songs Of Soviet Army Militia Marches Historical Speeches Amarghioalei M. (dir.) Same Romania Electrecord st exe 02201 320,00
2009-авг-20 44/110 Songs Of Soviet Army Militia Marches Historical Speeches Armonia fanfara Same Romania Electrecord ST-EXE 02201 400,00
2007-авг-07 44/338 Songs Of Soviet Army Militia Marches Historical Speeches Arsenal We're right behind you Robot records RRS 1 1620,00
2020-май-22 44/241 Songs Of Soviet Army Militia Marches Historical Speeches Band Of HM Royal Marines, Mortimer Harry With The Grand Massed Band March Best 20 Japan Odeon OP-99027 1080,00
2014-сен-26 44/511 Songs Of Soviet Army Militia Marches Historical Speeches Band of the Central Guard (cond, Suma Y.) National anthems of the world US PHILIPS phi 400 1000,00
2013-янв-17 44/612 Songs Of Soviet Army Militia Marches Historical Speeches Band Of The Corps Of Royal Engineers National anthems Canada Marble Arch MALS 1141 1350,00
2014-апр-07 44/317 Songs Of Soviet Army Militia Marches Historical Speeches Band Of The Corps Of Royal Engineers National Anthems Canada Marble Arch MALS 1141 670,00
2014-фев-02 44/293 Songs Of Soviet Army Militia Marches Historical Speeches Band of the Grenadier Guards National Anthems Of The World Canada London / FFRR PS. 120 510,00
2022-июн-02 44/177 Songs Of Soviet Army Militia Marches Historical Speeches Band of the Grenadier Guards National Hymnen Germany Decca 6.23618 1490,00
2008-дек-02 44/23 Songs Of Soviet Army Militia Marches Historical Speeches Bells of the "Banner of peace" monument Same Bulgaria Balkanton 10625 1490,00
2018-апр-01 44/12 Songs Of Soviet Army Militia Marches Historical Speeches Ben-Gurion David I Can Hear It Now Canada Columbia Masterworks ML 5102 3230,00
2021-апр-25 44/82 Songs Of Soviet Army Militia Marches Historical Speeches Blasorchester Herrmann Tim Marsche Fur Jung Und Alt Germany BASF 05 21824-4 400,00
2017-сен-12 44/483 Songs Of Soviet Army Militia Marches Historical Speeches Buckeburger Jager Marschmusik im grunen Rock Germany Telefunken NT 386 600,00
2014-июн-11 44/153 Songs Of Soviet Army Militia Marches Historical Speeches Budapesti Koncert Fuvaszenekar (cond. Borst Rudolf) Tortenelmi Indulok (Hungarian Historical Marches) Hungary Qualiton LPX 5013 180,00
2008-июл-01 44/327 Songs Of Soviet Army Militia Marches Historical Speeches Bulgarian A Capella Choir "Sv. Obretenov" songs Dimitrov Georgi Bulgaria Balkanton bxa 1456 245,00
2022-июн-02 44/586 Songs Of Soviet Army Militia Marches Historical Speeches Busch Ernst Busch Ernst Sings Rus Melodia (Mosk. opyt. zavod "Gramzapis") C60 13187-8 1000,00
2022-июн-02 44/587 Songs Of Soviet Army Militia Marches Historical Speeches Busch Ernst Busch Ernst Sings Rus Melodia (Mosk. opyt. zavod "Gramzapis") C60 13187-8 1000,00
2021-окт-14 44/624 Songs Of Soviet Army Militia Marches Historical Speeches Busch Ernst Busch Ernst Sings The Songs (Words By Bertolt Brecht) Rus Melodia (Vsesouz.studia gramzapisi) Д 032203-4 1000,00
2021-апр-25 44/382 Songs Of Soviet Army Militia Marches Historical Speeches Busch Ernst Solidaritat Solidarite Solidarity Solidaridad East Germany Eterna 8 15 137 800,00
2021-окт-23 44/276 Songs Of Soviet Army Militia Marches Historical Speeches Castro Fidel Declaracion De La Habana / Declaration of Havana Cuba Gobierno Revolucionario De Cuba ICD-415 10000,00
2023-янв-09 44/27 Songs Of Soviet Army Militia Marches Historical Speeches Choeurs De L'Armee Rouge (dir. Alexandrov B.A.) Les Choeurs De L'armee Rouge (Volume 1) France Musidisc / Collection Variete 30 CV 931 2420,00
2022-июн-10 44/344 Songs Of Soviet Army Militia Marches Historical Speeches Choeurs De L'Armee Rouge (dir. Alexandrov B.A.) Same France Barclay 950 036 2020,00
2007-авг-07 44/340 Songs Of Soviet Army Militia Marches Historical Speeches Cienfuegos camilo discurso del comandante EP-SD-2 870,00
2014-май-18 44/540 Songs Of Soviet Army Militia Marches Historical Speeches Concert Band & Chorus of the R.A.A.F. 30 Smash Hits Of The War Years UK Crest Records WAR 39 / 45 400,00
2021-окт-23 44/286 Songs Of Soviet Army Militia Marches Historical Speeches Czechoslovak Army Central Band Czech marches Czech Republic Supraphon 1113 2583 400,00
2018-фев-04 44/111 Songs Of Soviet Army Militia Marches Historical Speeches Czechoslovak Army Central Band Most Famous World Marches Czechoslovakia Panton 81 0697-1411 1000,00
2022-сен-07 44/275 Songs Of Soviet Army Militia Marches Historical Speeches Czechoslovak Brass Orchestra/Sousa John Philip Most Famous American Marches Czechoslovakia Supraphon 1 14 0586 800,00
2017-сен-12 44/396 Songs Of Soviet Army Militia Marches Historical Speeches Das Musikkorps Der Kolner Schutzpolizei ReiterMarsche Germany Die volks platte SMVP 6159 510,00
2014-янв-14 44/148 Songs Of Soviet Army Militia Marches Historical Speeches De Gaulle Charles Discours Historiques 1940-1969 33.001 1490,00
2018-сен-20 44/99 Songs Of Soviet Army Militia Marches Historical Speeches Det Kongelige Kapel (dir. Hammelboe Arne) Lumbye H.C. - The Scandinavian Johann Strauss Denmark PHILIPS 841 901 600,00
2017-сен-12 44/378 Songs Of Soviet Army Militia Marches Historical Speeches Die Original Hoch - Und Deutschmeister (dir. Hermann J.) Same Germany Song Records SONG 04 800,00
2017-сен-12 44/468 Songs Of Soviet Army Militia Marches Historical Speeches Die Original Hoch - Und Deutschmeister (dir. Hermann J.) Same Germany Coup records CPS 15617 750,00
2017-сен-12 44/413 Songs Of Soviet Army Militia Marches Historical Speeches Die Original Hoch - Und Deutschmeister, Das Norddeutsche Blasorchester Unsere Traditions-Marsche (feat. Radetzky-Marsch) Germany Europa E 496 510,00
2018-дек-02 44/66 Songs Of Soviet Army Militia Marches Historical Speeches DKU-noder Revolutionaere Sange Denmark Forlaget tiden TDLPS 7301 270,00
2013-май-21 44/118 Songs Of Soviet Army Militia Marches Historical Speeches Doucet Roger Songs Of Glory Canada Aquarius AQE 612 870,00
2017-сен-17 44/178 Songs Of Soviet Army Militia Marches Historical Speeches Ein Grosses Marschorchester Beliebte Marschmusik Germany Falcon L-ST 7003 510,00
2019-май-12 44/173 Songs Of Soviet Army Militia Marches Historical Speeches Ensemble of political song "Grenada" Chile En El Corazon (Чили В Сердце) Rus Melodia (Mosk. opyt. zavod "Gramzapis") С60-12451-2 600,00
2023-ноя-29 44/13 Songs Of Soviet Army Militia Marches Historical Speeches German Air Force Band (Luftwaffenmusikkorps 1) German Military Marches US Olympic Records OL-6120 600,00
2017-дек-27 44/114 Songs Of Soviet Army Militia Marches Historical Speeches Goldman Band Golden March Favorites Japan MCA Records MCA-7019 510,00
2007-авг-07 44/336 Songs Of Soviet Army Militia Marches Historical Speeches Good old arsenal Arsenal 1st team squad UK Pye Records 7N 45067 480,00
2017-сен-12 44/462 Songs Of Soviet Army Militia Marches Historical Speeches Gordon Highlanders Marsche, Marsche, Marsche (Sousa Marsche) Germany Auditon 6.22696 750,00
2015-мар-25 44/698 Songs Of Soviet Army Militia Marches Historical Speeches Grauer Ben Great Moments Voices Music of the 20th Century (Including Voice of Nikita Khrushchev) US GT 3 2020,00
2015-мар-13 44/28 Songs Of Soviet Army Militia Marches Historical Speeches Grauer Ben Great Moments Voices Music of the 20th Century (Including Voice of Nikita Khrushchev) US GT 3 2400,00
2015-сен-12 44/556 Songs Of Soviet Army Militia Marches Historical Speeches Grauer Ben Great Moments, Voices, Music of the 20th Century US Compatible Sound Record GT 3 400,00
2024-ноя-18 44/9 Songs Of Soviet Army Militia Marches Historical Speeches Grupes Pioneriles del Movimiento de Aficionados Los Pioneros Cantan Al Mundo (Пионеры поют Миру / Los Pioneros Cantan A Los Ninos De Todo El Mundo) Cuba Egrem/Areito LD-3838 1490,00
2018-июн-24 44/22 Songs Of Soviet Army Militia Marches Historical Speeches Guevara Ernesto Discursos Del Comandante Guevara Ernesto. En Commemoracion al 5to. Aniversario De Su Muerte Cuba Egrem Records LD-DP-9 2150,00
2010-июн-26 44/288 Songs Of Soviet Army Militia Marches Historical Speeches Helsinki Fire Brigade Band Soiva Palokunta (The Swinging Fire Brigade) Finland HPKS-1 110,00
2016-июл-14 44/185 Songs Of Soviet Army Militia Marches Historical Speeches Hudba Hradni Straze Pochody Klasiku Czechoslovakia Panton 8110 0069 400,00
2017-сен-17 44/240 Songs Of Soviet Army Militia Marches Historical Speeches Hudba Hradni Straze Pochody Klasiku Czechoslovakia Panton 8110 0069 400,00
2009-июн-12 44/445 Songs Of Soviet Army Militia Marches Historical Speeches Hunger Hans-Helmut Melodien der freundschaft Germany Eterna 8 15 070 155,00
2007-авг-07 44/346 Songs Of Soviet Army Militia Marches Historical Speeches Jara Victor El Companero Bulgaria Balkanton BTA 1718 / 1719 800,00
2007-ноя-21 44/94 Songs Of Soviet Army Militia Marches Historical Speeches Jara Victor народный певец чили Россия Мелодия (Апрел.завод) Д 035187-88 320,00
2007-авг-07 44/357 Songs Of Soviet Army Militia Marches Historical Speeches Jara Victor Народный певец чили Россия Мелодия (Апрел.завод) 33д-035187 750,00
2024-янв-29 44/456 Songs Of Soviet Army Militia Marches Historical Speeches Jara Victor (Хара Виктор) Levantate Y Mira A La Montana (El Derecho De Vivir En Paz) Cuba Areito LDA-3414 5000,00
2022-май-12 44/162 Songs Of Soviet Army Militia Marches Historical Speeches Jara Victor (Хара Виктор) Народный певец Чили (Cantante Popular de Chile) Россия Мелодия (Апрел.завод) Д-035187-8 750,00
2022-июн-02 44/155 Songs Of Soviet Army Militia Marches Historical Speeches Jara Victor (Хара Виктор) Народный певец Чили (Cantante Popular de Chile) Россия Мелодия (Апрел.завод) Д-035187-8 800,00
2023-июл-31 44/330 Songs Of Soviet Army Militia Marches Historical Speeches Jones Philip Brass Ensemble Easy Winners UK Argo ZRG 895 1890,00
2023-авг-11 44/75 Songs Of Soviet Army Militia Marches Historical Speeches Jones Philip Brass Ensemble World Of Brass: Silver Jubilee Record Canada ARGO Records SPA 464 1890,00
2017-сен-12 44/479 Songs Of Soviet Army Militia Marches Historical Speeches Jugend Musikkorps-Bad Kissingen Same Germany Baccarola 88 905 ZT 750,00
2017-сен-12 44/380 Songs Of Soviet Army Militia Marches Historical Speeches Jugendblasorchester Radolfzell (dir. Braun H.) Marsche aus aller Welt! Germany Bauer Ton Studio 67 134 400,00
2019-май-30 44/190 Songs Of Soviet Army Militia Marches Historical Speeches Kapel Van De Koninklijke Luchtmacht (Band Of The Royal Dutch Airforce) Swinging Marches! Holland CBS S 65634 645,00
2020-мар-17 44/152 Songs Of Soviet Army Militia Marches Historical Speeches Korean People's Army Band A True Daughter Of The Party North Korea Korean Gramophone Record 96175 7510,00
2019-июн-22 44/374 Songs Of Soviet Army Militia Marches Historical Speeches Les Choeurs De L'Armee Sovietique Les Choeurs De L'Armee Sovietique A Paris France Le Chant Du Monde / Melodia LDX 74 260 2420,00
2015-июл-12 44/207 Songs Of Soviet Army Militia Marches Historical Speeches London Symphony Orchestra (cond. Bliss sir Arthur) Elgar - Pomp And Circumstance Marches; Bliss - Suite "Things To Come", Welcome The Queen US London Treasury series STS 15112 750,00
2017-сен-12 44/397 Songs Of Soviet Army Militia Marches Historical Speeches Luftwaffenmusikkorps 3 Reitermarsche Germany BASF Cornet 10 21407-9 600,00
2009-фев-22 44/80 Songs Of Soviet Army Militia Marches Historical Speeches Mahovlich Frank All My Hockey Secrets Canada Mercury QC-74 750,00
2020-мар-17 44/212 Songs Of Soviet Army Militia Marches Historical Speeches Mansudae Art Troupe (Pyongyang) Flower Girl - Revolutionary Opera From The Immortal Classic "The Flower Girl" North Korea Korean Gramophone Record 38115-38122 30000,00
2017-дек-27 44/124 Songs Of Soviet Army Militia Marches Historical Speeches Marine Band Of the Royal Netherlands Navy Marches Of The World Japan PHILIPS SFL-9009-10 730,00
2019-май-20 44/342 Songs Of Soviet Army Militia Marches Historical Speeches Military Band Of The Royal Scots Dragoon Guards Amazing Grace Germany RCA International (Camden) INTS 1386 400,00
2009-июн-12 44/150 Songs Of Soviet Army Militia Marches Historical Speeches Mircea D. Fanfara "Armonia" Romania Electrecord st exe 02201 400,00
2017-дек-07 44/37 Songs Of Soviet Army Militia Marches Historical Speeches Moscow Choir (dir. Sokolov V.) MacDowell - "New England Idylls", "Songs Of The World" Rus Melodia (Vsesouz.studia gramzapisi) C10-08177-78 510,00
2017-сен-03 44/596 Songs Of Soviet Army Militia Marches Historical Speeches Munkasorseg Kozponti Ferfikara (dir. Laszlo Revesz) Vezenyel Revesz Laszlo Hungary Hungaroton SLPX 12849 295,00
2022-май-21 44/218 Songs Of Soviet Army Militia Marches Historical Speeches Musikkorps Der Bayerischen Bereitschaftspolizei/Trauboth Andrea/Kiermeier Alfred Musik Fur Sie Germany Not On Label EU-BL 11 80 1490,00
2020-окт-25 44/112 Songs Of Soviet Army Militia Marches Historical Speeches Musikkorps und Soldatenchor des Wachreggiments "Feliks Dzierzynski" Berlin Freunde Fur Immer East Germany Eterna 8 15 071 1000,00
2020-окт-25 44/113 Songs Of Soviet Army Militia Marches Historical Speeches Musikkorps und Soldatenchor des Wachreggiments "Feliks Dzierzynski" Berlin Unser Singen Muss Ein Kampfen Sein East Germany Eterna 8 10 057 1000,00
2017-сен-17 44/261 Songs Of Soviet Army Militia Marches Historical Speeches National Warsaw Philharmonic Orchestra (cond. Slowinski W.) Marsze I Tance Symfoniczne Poland Muza Polskie Nagrania SX 0828 245,00
2007-авг-07 44/350 Songs Of Soviet Army Militia Marches Historical Speeches Neto Agostinho Ano Da Criacao Da Assembleia Do Povo 1000,00
2008-июл-25 44/117 Songs Of Soviet Army Militia Marches Historical Speeches Neto Agostinho Discursos Angola 800,00
2022-сен-11 44/292 Songs Of Soviet Army Militia Marches Historical Speeches Orkiestra Reprezentacyjna Pomorskiego Okregu Wojskowego Marsze Ludowego Wojska Polskiego - Piastowski Orzel Poland Muza SXL 1005 2020,00
2012-мар-03 44/561 Songs Of Soviet Army Militia Marches Historical Speeches Orkiestra Reprezentacyjna Wojska Polskiego Hymny Panstwowe Poland Muza SXL 0605 1000,00
2009-май-27 44/109 Songs Of Soviet Army Militia Marches Historical Speeches Peeters Gerard Same Belgium Phonic 0983001 155,00
2007-авг-07 44/289 Songs Of Soviet Army Militia Marches Historical Speeches Peterson Houston American Essays Vol. 1 US Folkways FL 9759 600,00
2012-фев-15 44/341 Songs Of Soviet Army Militia Marches Historical Speeches Philadelphia Orchestra (cond. Ormandy Eugene) A festival of marches Canada Columbia ML 5874 460,00
2010-янв-28 44/482 Songs Of Soviet Army Militia Marches Historical Speeches Planel R. (dir.) Chants patriotiqves France ES 160 E 004 400,00
2017-апр-14 44/159 Songs Of Soviet Army Militia Marches Historical Speeches Posadkova Hudba Praha Stit pratelstvi Czechoslovakia Supraphon 1 14 1667 320,00
2012-фев-15 44/74 Songs Of Soviet Army Militia Marches Historical Speeches Power Biggs E. Stars and stripes forever: Two centuries of Heroic Music in America Columbia M 34129 600,00
2017-дек-18 44/4 Songs Of Soviet Army Militia Marches Historical Speeches Pride Of The '48 Band Magnificent March Japan Columbia SS-1065-ML 400,00
2021-июн-10 44/33 Songs Of Soviet Army Militia Marches Historical Speeches Red Army Choir (Alexandrov Ensemble) Lenin Album France Kosmos Records 3760300312711 / KS2101201-LP 4000,00
2020-окт-05 44/95 Songs Of Soviet Army Militia Marches Historical Speeches Red Army Choir (Alexandrov Ensemble) Same UK Boulevard 4029 750,00
2024-мар-01 44/59 Songs Of Soviet Army Militia Marches Historical Speeches Red Army Ensamble (cond. Alexandrov Boris / Ансамбль песни и пляски Российской Армии имени Александрова) Red Army Ensemble Volume 2 Canada Angel 36143 3000,00
2025-янв-10 44/183 Songs Of Soviet Army Militia Marches Historical Speeches Red Army Ensamble (cond. Alexandrov Boris / Ансамбль песни и пляски Российской Армии имени Александрова) Same UK Columbia 33CX 1844 4000,00
2023-дек-26 44/81 Songs Of Soviet Army Militia Marches Historical Speeches Republican Academic Russian Choir Capella (cond. Yurlov A.) Music of the Era of Peter the 1st Rus Melodia (Aprelev.zavod) C10 05409-10 870,00
2023-май-31 44/51 Songs Of Soviet Army Militia Marches Historical Speeches Richmond Strings With Sammes Mike Singers Music Of America 1776-1976 US Ronco R 2060 600,00
2013-май-13 44/67 Songs Of Soviet Army Militia Marches Historical Speeches Rogers Eric Victory In Review Canada London SP 44024 670,00
2017-сен-12 44/421 Songs Of Soviet Army Militia Marches Historical Speeches Rudarska Godba Velenje (dir. Marin Ivan) Pozdrav Velenju Yugoslavia RTV Ljubljana LD 0570 510,00
2014-май-12 44/459 Songs Of Soviet Army Militia Marches Historical Speeches Sharples Bob Pass In Review London SP 44001 400,00
2014-сен-20 44/423 Songs Of Soviet Army Militia Marches Historical Speeches Sherwood Foresters Notts & Derby 45 - 95 (Trooping The Colour / Music At A Guest Night) UK LP 70006 400,00
2007-авг-07 44/363 Songs Of Soviet Army Militia Marches Historical Speeches Sintrafec sindicato de trabajadores de la federacion nacional de cafeteros de colombia CBL 001А 1L 11 88 2965 750,00
2013-май-21 44/122 Songs Of Soviet Army Militia Marches Historical Speeches Soviet Army Chorus & Band Songs Of Revolution US Columbia/Melodia Y 34612 2510,00
2024-фев-20 44/597 Songs Of Soviet Army Militia Marches Historical Speeches Soviet Army Chorus & Band, Alexandrov Boris Same Canada Angel S 35411 3000,00
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